Monday, October 27, 2014

Contemplating Leaves, Seasons, Leaving, and Arriving on a MondayMorning of a Hectic Week to Come. I've Got This!

Last week in a writing course, one of the graduate students led an activity with shells and leaves where we detailed what we were given and tried to find markings that would differentiate ours from all others.

I've been thinking about such markings, especially as I harvest all the leaves that are currently falling in pre-hibernal zest. I said to Pam the other day, "It's too bad energy folks haven't figured out a way to capture the pizazz of leaves to make something useful for human beings...after all, like waves, rain, and wind, we can count on them falling every year. What a waste not to find more use for them."

I think the autumn months are always transitional ones.

We're nesting into the darker, colder days of winter and this always has me thinking about where I was, where I am, and where I am going. I thought of a poem Ipublished via the Louisville Writing Project and post it here as I think ahead and contemplate my own life patterns. He's there, then here, then over there. Such an anxious, wandering fellow.

his leaving (a sestina)

                                     ~Bryan Ripley Crandall

            he never turned back.  packed his bags and left
            beyond a circus and history in his pocket.
            “goodbye, old world.” he promised. “i’m on my way now,”
            and stepped on the gas to drive away.
            that was when he was younger;
            fledglings have reasons to leave the nest.

            he walked onto his porch, today, & saw a bird fallen from nesting.
            glanced at telephone wires to see if winged parents had left
            this featherless embryo with its bulging purple eyes, so young,
            and a beak open for insight (the creature could fit in his pocket).
            youth fallen from its house, so quiet. he needed to find a way           
            to get the lil’ guy into shelter & now

            seemed as good a time as any, he thought. the parents
            were away and he climbed to the roof, found the finch’s nest.
            the flight was his fault. in his world, it’s always
            his fault, and he could never be sure how many days he had left.
            he put the bird in the twigs, climbed down and put his hands in his pockets

            to think about how vulnerable we are when young.

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