Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It Wouldn't Be Life For Crandall If October Didn't Bring With It a Running Faucet #Allergies #Misery

The image to the right is not actually my nose, but it could have been last night at 11 p.m. when it decided it was time to react to falling leaves, changing temperatures, mold, and the cold.

Seriously. That's how much the nose ran Monday night and as a result I slept very little.

Whereas Tuesday is the abundant day and I must be on the go and on the ball until 10 p.m., I spent last night overdosing on Claritin, Thera-Flu, GingerAle and tea. Why? The same reason I took Nyquil. I can't have two sleepless nights in a row, especially when I need all the energy I can muster for today's meetings, the grants that are due, and the classes I must teach.

Forced sleep is still sleep, isn't it?

I feel I always have a post like this sometime in October. It seems I'm always affected on school nights, too. I've said it again and again, I cannot explain why snot abuses my body as it does. It just forms, makes my eyes swell, causes my throat to ache, and forces me to toss and turn.

That is why I go to war with it as soon as I can. I'm optimistic I have it all figured out.

(and he sneezes)

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