Thursday, June 26, 2014

There's Too Much Going on Today, So Happy I LOVE MY FAMILY DAY (and I'm on my way home).

It's still all about Mike, today, but whereas it is also Nikki's birthday, it is also about her. Yet, if I think about it, this weekend is about her because she is graduating high school and both Saturday and Sunday are going to be spent in celebration of her accomplishments. Still, it is her birthday and she wants me to take her to get a tattoo. Nope. I will take her to get her nosed pierced, but am told she's not allowed. Instead, she gets this black and white photo of her and Bella (B E L L A! ! !). And Dave and I have our squirt guns ready for a gluten free weekend (right, Casey?).

Meanwhile it is Butch and Sue's 49th wedding anniversary today and from everything I hear they are at each other's throat more than ever before. It's good though, because I have a new mattress for the bedroom so if they begin arguing about their life after 49 years together, I can retreat to my room. Seriously, this is amazing. It is admiirable that they've been together this long - I've been with myself for 42 years and I'm already tired and exhausted with who I am. It takes a lot to share a life together for this long (and next year - Wola. The 50th!). 

So, today is about family and love and celebration and my drive back to Syracuse and the excitement for all the frantic times ahead the next few days. I can't wait for it all. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

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