Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday: Flight of the Bumblebees and in need of energetic music to accomplish amazing things

I need to congratulation Nikki and the Northstars for their regional win in Rochester yesterday, but must admit their coach, Larry, never picked up on my theme show, "None of Your Bee's Wax" performed to the acapella version of "Flight of the Bumbleebees." To me, it seemed like a routine that would cause quite the buzzzzzz among judges (as opposed to the suicidal, Lawrence Welk music that most perform, too).

Oh, well, I didn't get what I wanted, but they did take first and that is all that matters. Congratulations. If you want the rest of my creative idea for this show, give me a shout out. It's not as crappy as the toilet turd show I invented, but it's rather good. I can see it in my head.

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