Saturday, May 3, 2014

And thus begins a 48 hour marathon on catching up on the universe. No plans this weekend

(don't tell anyone, but I have nothing on my calendar today or tomorrow. shhhhh)

I have goals though. First and foremost I want to run a long distance and sweat away the end-of-the-semester anarchy. Then, I also need to review several National Writing Project proposals and edit a couple of OpEds. I also need to get ahead for Monday's Student Teacher Celebration and to assure that the ceremony will be a success. There is the grading, too, and the lineup for the summer institute and young adult literacy labs.

I don't mind doing all this, however, because I don't have to travel, there's no one calling me to meet them somewhere, and I can pace the weekend to enjoy a walk here, gardening there, and of course that run...that long, long run.

I may even pull out the barbecue, but that would require going to the store to purchase something to grill.

And there's laundry. There's always laundry.

Happy Birthday, Twippy.

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