Saturday, September 20, 2014

Um, Last Night, This Happened. (He Walks Away, Tail Between His Legs). Yep.

I have been over a month without sin. Well, moderate sin. But I have out of town guests and I decided to splurge on them with a feast, which included Magnum Bars. Now, I avoided the potatoes for dinner and the incredible chunky bread with garlic, but I couldn't resist the temptation of desert.

Salad. Grilled Peppers. A little slice of steak.

And Magnum Whites. The temptation called and I had to give in.

What can I say? Out of town guests deserve the  best treatment I can give them and well, I hate to make them feel obligated to eat something that I wouldn't consume myself.

So? Well, last night was a very, very delicious night and I'm very glad to entertain people who help me disrupt my neurotic eating habits.

Yep. Shhhh. Don't tell Pam.

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