Wednesday, December 31, 2014

In a World Of Restless Sleep, Crandall Makes Another Attempt To Find the Perfect Pillow. I Want The Hotel Feel.

I slept well at my parents. A part of this is after years of discussing with them that the mattress they took from my grandfather and moved into my room once I departed for college was hard as a rock. I'm not exaggerating. The bed was like sleeping on wood.

Last year, they replaced the bed with an incredible mattress and, I must admit, I slept wonderfully on it.

The other thing was, however, that they have one pillow on the bed that is exactly like the kind you find at a hotel. It's thick, plush, and malleable to the head. I like my pillows bulky to prop my noggin but soft enough to make me feel like I am sleeping on a cloud.

Well, I went to the store yesterday in search of one and I think I may have scored with a down pillow that, at least for now, is keeping its shape and not thinning out.

This is not the first time I've been on a hunt for the perfect headrest. In fact, I have a collection of pillows that have failed me in the past (true story: I asked Chitunga if he was in need of a new pillow and he said, "There's like 10 on my bed right now. They all work"). Yes, when I rid pillows, I've always brought them to the upstairs guest room. Well, that room is now his and he'd 19 without the mid-life sleep issues that I have.

Ah, but for me. It's about finding the right fit. I remember Alice and Charlie made a mattress/pillow purchase in their 40s and boasted to me that it was the best decision they ever made. "Bryan, if we knew we could have such comfort while sleeping, we would have made the jump years ago."

We do spent a large portion of our life in bed. Seems odd that we wouldn't invest in the best bedding we could.

The bed I have has always been okay. But the pillows. I'm forever in search of the perfect one. Fingers crossed I found it.

And it is true that I laid on the floor of the store so I could get the feel for the right one to purchase. You can't just go on the feel of the hand. You need to lay down!

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